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Mission Statement

Revurbia helps companies identify and achieve their Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), and climate goals in order to become a better company for their employees, customers, investors, and other key stakeholders.

What We do

We are a boutique, industry-agnostic consulting firm, active in the pursuit of global carbon neutrality and offer consulting services to help companies on this journey to meet and exceed stakeholder expectations in the area of ESG/climate goal setting, meeting and reporting. Companies in any stage of this journey from discovery to continuous improvement and value creation in the supply chain would benefit from our services.

We want to be a part of the solution set about which we are so passionate. Innovation and partnership in all aspects of carbon reduction and other elements of ESG will require a broad spectrum of wicked problem solvers. Everyone can play a part in the change that is required using an existing skillset. We bring our many years and wide scope of business experience to the table to partner with companies to achieve their ESG and climate goals with deep supply chain, strategy, and project management expertise.

Core Values

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy built on the belief that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control. The aforementioned others can include customers, partners, fellow employees and the community at large.

At Revurbia we believe in the 5 most prominent characteristics:

  • Valuing People - Servant leaders value people for who they are, not just for what they give to the organization.
  • Humility - Servant leaders do not promote themselves; they put other people first. Have an unselfish mindset. It's not about you.
  • Listening – Not just listening but truly “active” listening.
  • Trust - Create a culture of trust. Trust is one of the hardest things to regain once it's broken.
  • Caring – At Revurbia we truly care about people. We believe in fostering leadership in others and encourage diversity of thought. Diversity encompasses a myriad of traits.

Acting with integrity means understanding, accepting, and choosing to live in accordance with one's principles, which will include honesty, fairness, and decency. A person of integrity will consistently demonstrate good character by being free of corruption and hypocrisy. A well-known definition is: “Integrity is doing the right thing (through your words, actions and beliefs) when no one is watching.”

“Business transparency is the process of being open, honest, and straightforward about various company operations. Transparent companies share information relating to performance, small business revenue, internal processes, sourcing, pricing, and business values.” Source: Forbes Mar 2, 2022

 Transparent leaders set performance expectations for everyone, including themselves. This gives everyone a clear sense of direction that enhances performance and engagement. A great way to do that is by setting SMART goals which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Source: Forbes Nov 19, 2021.

At Revurbia, we believe that responsibility has many faces. In addition to the basic business responsibilities, that which is someone's duty (that often depends on the job level) to perform or complete a task, we believe in much more.

We also believe in overall Business and Management responsibilities, Financial, Moral and of course, Corporate Social Responsibilities. These principles mean that companies want to be not only economically viable and create profit. They’re also committed to having a positive impact on society and respecting and preserving the environment.

It is also great for employee/company morale!

“Speed is the New Currency of Business” – Marc Benioff – Chairman and CEO Salesforce

What is Speed in Business? In terms of Business, Speed essentially means how quickly your business performs. What is your turnaround time? How soon do you respond to prospect queries, clients’ requirements, customer feedback etc. Source: Force Intellect Sept 25, 2019

At Revurbia we believe that any time a business can do something more quickly than the competition, there will be a measure of success. This is especially true in industries which are price sensitive. At Revurbia, we believe in using Agile practices to complete projects to increase speed of adoption.

Simply put: Innovation is a product, service, business model, or strategy that's both novel and useful. Innovations don't have to be major breakthroughs in technology or new business models; they can be as simple as upgrades to a company's customer service or features added to an existing product.” – Source: Harvard Business School

Innovation in business is important as it allows adaptability, it fosters growth and separates business from their competition.

Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar teaches design thinking principles using a four-phase innovation framework: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement.

  • Clarify: The first stage of the process is clarifying a problem. This involves conducting research to empathize with your target audience. The goal is to identify their key pain points and frame the problem in a way that allows you to solve it.
  • Ideate: The ideation stage involves generating ideas to solve the problem identified during research. Ideation challenges assumptions and overcomes biases to produce innovative ideas.
  • Develop: The development stage involves exploring solutions generated during ideation. It emphasizes rapid prototyping to answer questions about a solution's practicality and effectiveness.
  • Implement: The final stage of the process is implementation. This stage involves communicating your developed idea to stakeholders to encourage its adoption.


for improvements in ESG/Climate-related processes and transparency

Supply Chain Enhancements...

to help support your ESG initiatives


Our boutique, industry-agnostic consulting firm provides distinct concentrations of knowledge within supply chain and ESG to ensure that all clients’ concerns and needs are met. Our size is an advantage allowing us to better communicate and create interpersonal relationships between client and consultant. We have also established partnerships in other specialties and fields that allow us to act like a large firm while still giving that hands-on approach to business.

The leadership team at Revurbia has 75+ years of combined consulting, procurement, merchandising, global sourcing, logistics, inventory management, information technology, finance, operations and end-to-end supply chain expertise. They have proven experience in strategic planning, corporate transformation and reengineering, problem solving, process improvement, and building highly effective teams. They are recognized performers with a reputation for business turnarounds.

Revurbia, “So that Others May.”

Leadership Team

Supply Chain/Retail Consultant

Supply Chain/Product and Merchandise Strategy